What happens to my pension after I remarry?
I am currently 60 years old, single, and receiving a pension. I plan to remarry in a year. Will my new wife receive my pension in the event of my death?
Co-Published on Investopedia
The accurate answer to this would require an adviser to look at the pension documents and the choices you made when you began receiving the pension income. The most likely answer is your new wife will not receive a benefit if you were to die, because you have already started receiving income from the pension.
The reason is the pension payment is calculated based on your life expectancy when you start receiving pension income. Adding another beneficiary would change the calculation and thus change the original payment you would be entitled to. Once a pension is started, you usually can't make any changes to the options.
Even still, it would be worth contacting your pension provider and asking them these questions. There may be options in your pension plan which could provide a benefit.