Financial Planning is the perfect

Graduation Gift

Graduation isn't just the beginning of a career, it's an incredible opportunity which most people only get once or maybe twice in their lives. A graduate will see their income possibly double or triple within the next year due to beginning their actual career. 

A financial plan designed for recent graduates can increase lifestyle spending by 50% and still have enough left over to save 30% to 50% of income; enough to save for a house, a European vacation, starting their own business, and their retirement at the same time!

An Example:

A student who worked part-time during college might take home $20,000 per year, but after graduation will be taking home $45,000 at their first job. A budget that increases their lifestyle spending to $30,000 would still leave enough left over to: 

  1. Invest 10% toward retirement - $4,500 annually

    • Over $1 million retirement balance (earning 8% over 40 years)

  2. Put money toward vacations - $2,500 annually

    • Allowing vacations every year or a big vacation every two years

  3. Begin saving for a home - $4,500 annually

    • ~$60,000 down-payment (earning 6% over 10 years)

  4. Put money away to start their own business - $3,500 annually

Graduate Financial Foundation Plan

Give your graduate a financial jumpstart with a comprehensive Graduate Financial Foundation Plan. Plans cover the most common financial needs when building a financial foundation.



  1. Exploration & Prioritization of Life Goals

  2. Cash Flow Analysis of Current Spending

  3. A Budget Optimized for Current Lifestyle and Long-Term Investing

  4. Net Worth Statement Analysis

  5. Student Loan and other Debt Analysis

  6. Loan Management Strategy

  7. Early-Stage Retirement Plan & Projections

  8. A Financial Dashboard

Schedule a No-Cost
Discovery Meeting

$1,200 for individuals

$1,400 for Couples


Our Process

We start with a free initial discovery meeting to explore your goals, answer your questions, and explain how financial planning can help. From there, we develop a detailed plan including analysing your grad’s current situation, explaining potential paths forward, and recommending a course of action. 

I was asked the following question in an interview:

What advice would you give to new grads to make sure they set themselves up for financial success in the future? 

My Answer:

Get a financial adviser as soon as you possibly can. It may sound self-serving, but almost every financial adviser has conversations with older clients about how the client wished they had an adviser when they were younger. Investing, tax planning, budgeting, debt management, insurance, and the other areas of financial planning are incredibly complex, and most people lose out on advantages they could receive due to the lack of in-depth knowledge.

There are also lots of financial services companies out there who have great sales pitches, but don't have the client's interest at heart. A fee-only and fiduciary adviser can help guide a young person to avoid expensive financial products and set themselves up for long-term success.

Being fiduciary means the adviser is legally obligated to put the client's interest above their own. (I know, you would think this would be all financial adviser, but currently only Registered Investment Advisers and their employees are fiduciaries under the law). And fee-only means they don't accept commissions or kickbacks for selling products.